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What activities would you like to see along the Queensway? What could you imagine people doing on the route?
This corridor should include a bike way
Nov 11, 2013 Peter B4

The MTA has made it clear they have no plans, and no money to build a train line along this corridor. Instead they are moving forward with a Bus Rapid Transit Study for Woodhaven Blvd. To help increase transportation options, and provide door-to-door links between shops, schools, existing trains and neighborhoods a bike way would provide much needed bicycle infrastructure in an area that has no lanes whatsoever for miles around. Bikes are transportation and can supplement or even replace other modes of transportation, cleanly, safely, quietly, affordably and in support of a healthier lifestyle. It would also provide a healthy and safe alternative for kids to reach the several adjoining schools along the Way; helping to fight childhood obesity.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer